Kazi Nazrul Letters Now on Audio CD

Kolkata: In what is probably the first of its kind compilation, more than 50 letters written by Kazi Nazrul Islam, has been published in an audio CD by city-based cultural organisation Chhayanat. The CD is titled Iti Nazrul and was released yesterday.

Kazi NazrulSpeaking to the media, Chhayanat chief Somerita Mallick said, “These are lesser-known letters written by the rebel poet to his contemporaries like Rabindranath Tagore and Jasimuddin, and to his friends and love interest. These letters not only highlight Nazrul’s literary merit, but are also important from the point of social, political, and historical significance.”

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According to Somerita, the letters throw light on the dynamic personality of Nazrul, as well as his multi-layered relationships with the recipients.

Several leading elocutionists and narrators from India and Bangladesh have lent their voices to the project. They include Kalyani Kazi, Nashid Kamal, Pradeep Ghosh, Alokananda Roy, Shimul Mustapha, Swagatalakshmi Dasgupta, Debashis Basu, Farzana Karim, and others.

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