Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne Exhibition Begins in City

Kolkata: The Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne exhibition, organised by The Society for the Preservation of Satyajit Ray Archives, commonly known as the Ray Society, began in the city yesterday. ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’ (1969), one of the biggest hits in the history of Bengali cinema, was directed by auteur Satyajit Ray.

The exhibition was inaugurated by Ray’s photo-biographer Nemai Ghosh. It’s being held to observe the golden jubilee year of the film’s release.

The exhibition has Ray’s sketches, storyboard, draft script, notes, and pictures of props used in the film. Besides, it has a number of photographs taken by Ghosh, capturing the filmmaker at work.

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Speaking about the event, Sandip Ray told RBN, “Most of the artwork that my father made for ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’ is being displayed in this exhibition. We may have a similar exhibition on ‘Hirak Rajar Deshe’ in the future.”

The exhibition will be held until 30 April at Gaganendra Shilpa Pradarshanshala.

Pic: Nemai Ghosh

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