Jaya Seal Ghosh Regrets Dearth of Good Scripts

RBN Web Desk: Her latest film Alifa released yesterday, and Jaya Seal Ghosh has made a comeback to the Bengali screen after two years, since Aparna Sen’s Arshinagar. But speaking to a leading Bengali daily, the danseuse-actress regretted that good scripts are not much forthcoming, for the audience to see her more on the big screen.

Jaya said, after she finished Alifa, several scripts came her way but none were good enough to interest her. There’s no use doing projects where she can’t prove her acting mettle, she added.

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The Uttara actress said that she is not against mainstream films but the role should be to her liking.

In an acting career spanning more than two decades, Jaya has worked with several leading directors including Buddhadeb Dasgupta, N Chandra, Subrata Sen, and others.

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Alifa, directed by Deep Choudhury, has already won much critical acclaim. Deep was adjudged the best debutant director in the 64th National Film Awards last year. Music for the film is composed by Bickram Ghosh.

This is probably one of Bickram’s best works, the daily quoted Jaya, as having said.

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