Asda is a one-stop party shop this Eid!

After Asda launches its biggest Ramadan yet, the retailer’s Eid range offers customers a one-stop party shop for this year’s celebrations, including Eid Krispy Kreme doughnuts, new partyware and more amazing offers on food and drink.

As Eid al-Fitr approaches and is expected to be celebrated on 21st April, Asda is helping families prepare to indulge in delicious feasts and celebrate with loved ones after a month of fasting and reflecting. To make this occasion joyous for the community, Asda are excited to offer a one-stop party shop where customers can find everything they need under one roof at Asda – meaning more time spent on preparing for the celebrations. Whether its confectionery, frozen party food, fresh fruit & vegetables, gifts, party décor or even bedding, look no further than the variety and breadth of choice on offer, at selected Asda stores and online.

New this year, are the Eid partyware and home decor ranges. Their collections include stunning home decor and thoughtful gifting items that are perfect for this festive period. Decorating your home for guests is an important part of the celebration, as it a way to express your gratitude and appreciation for the blessings you have received and to share your happiness with others. So, why not do that in style with table settings and window displays which will add some extra glamour.

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